Thursday, December 20, 2012

Will Be Right Back!! :)

the owner getting more busy than she thought..
the list getting longer and longer.. 
and 2 weeks after Christmas are crucial for her next life..
 please patiently waited for new updates.. :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Song and Memories

*im using Indosat while my brother used Axis..
 Indosat equal to maxis while Axis equal to celcom*

currently stuck to this song.. first time terdengar lagu ini, in the bus on the way to Bandung.. penyanyi jalanan naek atas bas kitaorang and start sang that song.. he and his friend played with guitar, an acoustic version.. do you guys know that Ariel from Bandung? no wonder Indonesia produce so many talented singer.. they start from bottom.. menyanyi di kaki jalan, mengharapkan duit rupiah yang nilainya terlalu sedikit berbanding ringgit Malaysia.. for survival..

at age of 23, looking back to the path i through.. the ups and down, tears and joy, despair and anger, acceptance and rejection.. flipping my convocation letter, my Pharmacy board letter, i had no idea that this is plan for me, HE made.. alhamdulilah.. thats all i can say.. another chapter of life..

when you fall, cried for the fate you had, questioning yourself, "if, just if" "why the time not meant for us" .. 
you used to ask about it, despite the reality you know "my time is not yet reach".. 
then you realized, HE always have and give a better time for you.. 
now and better..

L for Life

Assalammualaikum and Ola!!!

alhamdulilah.. no, the letter not yet arrived.. but i finally knew my posting.. not where i expected, or where i wish.. but hey, its rezeki namanya.. still close to where i wish for but too far from family.. need to be independence again.. like in penang.. grrr.. ye2, extra allowance, but still financial is a crucial part.. mana nak simpan duit kete, umah, makan, minum, kawen, broadband, personal saving.. eh jap, did i mention KAWEN? hahahah.. 

visa approved.. 4 years.. hahahahaha.. cherish the moment before time is what we dont have.. my current FB's status "sejauh mana kita belajar, sejauh mana kita bekerja, kita masih berpijak di tanahNya, bersyukur dengan apa yang ada, rezeki tetap rezeki.. :)"

till then..
thankz for reading..

hand note: pergi balik, pergi balik, tutup mata, bukak mata.. kept the dua.. everything is fine, be strong, have faith.. for HE knows the best.. :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hello Decemberrr (@_@)

Assalammualaikun and Yelloo peeps!!

im back in town.. hoho.. like duuuhh, macam lama sangat kannnn.. December.. pretty busy for me.. rushing here and there.. just back from family vacation.. okay, a very short one.. muhahahaha.. i really wanna follow my dad to Thailand, but since i just get back from Indonesia, one day before departure date to Thailand, i cant go.. xleh tamak, semua nak bolot.. gagagaga.. i will miss my relative in Perlis.. aiyayaya..

received my convocation letter last week itself, but only get the time to view it today!! *dush*  straightly confirm the attendance online, read all the "what to do", "robe", bla bla bla.. endless.. hoho.. alhamdulilah, so far going smoothly like snogurt.. hoho.. i love snogurt.. dah xmo makan tutty fruity, xsedap weii.. hahaha..

morning sessions and 3 guests maximum!! like whattt!! i called my "beloved" admin, asked if can get extra, seriously willing to pay more, like moreeeee.. but no, no, no.. maximum seats are 3.. okay, fine! hahahaha.. catchup with my coursemate, some in afternoon session.. like seriously, why?!!!! dahla batch kitaorang ada 12 students aje weii, dipecah2 gini, lagi sikit.. sedih haku dibuatnya.. dont worry friends, i will stay till your session start, photo time!! gagaga.. 

ooh, yup i had missed a few calls during my vacation.. luckily my kak cik whatsapp me to let me know.. our Head of Department busy interviewed us for industrial award.. hahaha.. stylo kan? dicalonkan sahaja.. i dont think i get it since there are other students much better and impressive achievement compared mine.. doakan klau eden xdapat, biar kak cik dapat.. :)

well, hope everything is okay.. after christmas time, convo time, our time.. before time are what we dont have.. 

till then.. 
thankz for reading..

p/s: im scared.. for another years.. but i keep my faith.. but insecurity is a lie to not admit it..


Assalammualaikum and Ola folks!! Its been a while. 6 to 7 months already? Hahaha. There you go the resolution of frequently updated th...