4am 5/11/2013...
Dari DIA kita datang, dari Dia kita kembali...
we lost you forever... forgive me, im not there for you, with others... you know i will catch a flight for you, you know i will... im far from home... im not in Malaysia.. forgive me sahabat...
memories never be replaced... laughter and smile and time we spend together... the last time i messaged you was last sunday...im sorry for not accept the fact... terlalu cepat sahabat...
you asked me to come back to perlis, worked there with you, you promised by my side, support me, since we lost daddy... you cried the day i told you i lost daddy... i know you did...
we planned in chrismast, you will go to tawau... i changed my oncall date for you... we planned and laughed... you promised to miss me...you promised you never leaved me... and you did...
i love you sahabat, Allah love you more
i miss you, Allah miss you more
my dua always for you.. for daddy and you...
bersemadi dengan tenang wahai insan2 tersayang...
kupanjatkan doa dan kasih untukmu
memory note: 5 days... 7 months 14 days... terlalu banyak kehilangan... tiada ralat untuk daddy dan sabahatku... hanya tangisan mengiringi pemergianmu...